Landlords’ Insurance
As a landlord you’re trusting one of your biggest assets into the care of someone else. Not only that, but you also have certain legal responsibilities. The risk of damage to property, plus the chance of disputes with your tenants, mean it’s wise to protect your investment with specialist landlords’ insurance.
Landlords Property Cover
Standard home insurance is unlikely to cover you for a property that is occupied by tenants. For example, damage from a fire, burst pipe, flooding or a storm-damaged roof will be costly to put right, and you’d be liable for providing your tenant with alternative accommodation if your let property isn’t habitable.
With landlords’ property insurance the cost of repairs will be covered, as will the cost of rehousing your tenants.
Landlords’ Legal Protection with Rent Protection
The legal responsibilities associated with renting a property to tenants can easily catch landlords out. Our landlords’ legal protection will cover you against tenant disputes, as well as providing public liability insurance to cover you for things like damage to a neighbouring property.
Another optional element for landlords’ insurance is rent protection. If your property is mortgaged, are you in a position to pay your mortgage repayments, even if your tenants fail to pay the rent? Rent protection can protect your investment by safeguarding your rental income.